Posts tagged “insurance companies”

While the debate over replacing the ACA continues, the Trump Administration is also sending conflicting messages about its approach to the law that is currently on the books.

Multiple Personalities: The Administration’s Approach to the ACA

The Trump Administration and Republicans in Congress have been clear about their desire to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act. But, while that legislative battle plays out, the ACA is still on the books and defines the rules for the American health care system. This blog post will not look at the repeal and […]

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After Obamacare—What’s Next for Insurance Companies?

I have described the likelihood that, in a post-ACA world, the federal government will step back and the states will have more flexibility and responsibility. The next key player in this equation is the insurance industry.
The ACA created a substantial web of requirements and prohibitions that applied to insurance companies—including rules requiring that carriers insure all applicants, that premiums could not vary based on applicants’ health status, that (in effect) younger applicants subsidize the cost of older applicants, and that limited the companies’ profits from health insurance.

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After Obamacare - What’s Next for Uncle Sam?

The role of the federal government will decrease in other ways. For example, federal subsidies to enable lower- and middle- income to purchase health insurance are likely to be scaled back, converted to tax credits or eliminated.

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