Posts tagged “Medicare”

Medicare and Your Employer Health Coverage: Too Much of a Good Thing?
More Americans are working past 65 and continue to have employer-sponsored health insurance. However, the intersection of Medicare and employer coverage has a number of traps for the unwary and some of these traps come with real financial consequences. This makes it more important than ever that you (and your employer) understand the complex rules […]

Medicare Eligibility: A Boon and a Trap
Let’s take a break from the ACA repeal-and-replace debate to look at an issue that frequently confuses (and trips up) unwary seniors entering Medicare: the impact of Medicare coverage on other insurance and how to approach enrollment in Medicare. Basic Rules Eligibility for Medicare is really eligibility for two different types of insurance coverage: Medicare […]

ACA Repeal and Medicare Beneficiaries
There is a lot of talk in Washington about repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Obamacare. The question for Medicare beneficiaries is–how will any changes affect you? The most important direct impact is that Medicare beneficiaries could pay more for prescription drugs. Here’s why: • Under Medicare’s prescription drug coverage (Part D) there is […]