Allen Steinberg is a national authority on retirement plans and the Chief Legal Officer of RetireAware. Allen has over 35 years of experience providing employers with advice, ideas and support for a broad range of benefit plans. For the past fifteen years Allen increasingly focused on the unique challenges of the 403(b) market.
During his career, Allen has been an associate with a major Chicago law firm, a partner at a global consulting and actuarial firm, and the owner of a law firm focused solely on employee benefits. Allen has written for a range of publications, including Benefits Quarterly, The Journal of Employee Ownership Law and Finance, The Journal of Pension Benefits, Compensation & Benefits Review, and HR Magazine. Allen is also a regular speaker at regional and national benefits conferences.
Staying on top of rapidly changing developments

New Front on Fiduciary Litigation?
As employers have become more attuned to their fiduciary responsibilities, plaintiffs’ attorneys have had to dig deeper to find a basis for suing plan sponsors. Two recent court decisions (Hutchins v. HP Inc and Perez-Cruet v. Qualcomm Inc) reflect diametrically opposing judicial responses to the same new litigation strategy, The Claims Both Hutchins and Perez-Cruet […]

New Lawsuit Targets TIAA and Morningstar
A new fiduciary case, Kelley v. TIAA, has been filed against TIAA and Morningstar. This case is different than the typical “fees are too high and returns are too low” type of case –it contains some significant new accusations against TIAA and raises new issues. If this case succeeds, it could have some far-reaching implications. […]

New Rules for Emergency Distributions
New IRS guidance clarifies provisions of SECURE 2.0 allowing employees to access their funds in an emergency.