Posts tagged “ESG”

Spence v. American Airlines: Expanding the Playing Field for Fiduciary Liability?
A federal court in Texas has ruled that American Airlines breached its duty of loyalty under ERISA by failing to respond to activities undertaken by a plan investment manager (BlackRock) supporting ESG initiatives. The court was unable to find a breach of prudence—rather it relied solely on the obligation of “loyalty.”

Trump 2.0: Some Predictions
As we enter 2025 there is much speculation about the policies the Trump administration (“Trump 2.0”) will pursue. This blog discusses what might occur under the incoming administration with respect to retirement plans and how the incoming administration could shape the retirement plan landscape.

Outgoing Administration Offers a Few Parting Shots
Recent guidance from the DOL illustrates the outgoing administration’s desire to leave its mark.

DOL Delivers Lump of Coal to ESG Funds
The U.S. Department of Labor has issued new proposed regulations that provide guidance on the process that plan fiduciaries should use in selecting ESG investments. In issuing the proposed regulations the DOL targets ESG funds and creates new requirements–and hurdles-to the use of such funds.