Spence v. American Airlines: Expanding the Playing Field for Fiduciary Liability?

DOL Completes Trifecta of Questionable Policies
New DOL guidance would provide advisors with incentives to sell commissionable products.

DOL Delivers Lump of Coal to ESG Funds
The U.S. Department of Labor has issued new proposed regulations that provide guidance on the process that plan fiduciaries should use in selecting ESG investments. In issuing the proposed regulations the DOL targets ESG funds and creates new requirements–and hurdles-to the use of such funds.

New Safe Harbor for Electronic Communication
On May 15 the Department of Labor finalized new “safe harbor” rules for the use of electronic media to provide documents required under ERISA. These new rules represent a potentially important easing of the efforts needed for plan administrators to meet disclosure obligations under ERISA. However, a more careful review of the rules raises significant questions about whether the new rules will live up to their potential.

SECURE Act Passed--Ensuring Much Activity and Some Change
The SECURE Act, signed by President Trump, contains a potpourri of provisions encouraging plan formation, use of annuities and adoption of safe harbor designs.

The (Individual) States of America vs The United States of America
Employers need to develop strategies for dealing with state/federal tug-of-war over regulatory authority.

IRS Offers Relief for Certain 403(b) Eligibility Failures
IRS Notice 2018-95 offers relief to employers who have incorrectly administered certain rules governing 403(b) plans. The Notice also provides additional planning opportunities.

Fee Compression: Fiduciaries Take Note
A number of long-term market trends are creating significant pressure on bundled recordkeepers’ revenues. The recordkeepers are responding to these revenue pressures through a variety of ways that impose additional costs on plans and participants.

Increased Health Care Disclosure: Will It Help?
Disclosure on health care costs can help reduce those costs. That is not always true.

Combining Student Loan Repayments and Retirement Savings
A recent IRS private letter ruling approved an innovative approach that allows employees to balance student loan repayments with saving for retirement.