Posts by Allen Steinberg

Retirement Patterns: Are Workers Outsmarting the Experts?
For years, experts have warned that Americans will have insufficient savings for retirement and that penury was awaiting a generation of retirees. However, some recent studies indicate that American workers have been paying attention to these warnings – but responding in some different ways. Most significantly, it seems that large numbers of workers are remaining […]

Telemedicine: Poised for Takeoff or Frustration?
In an age when technology disrupts one industry after another, it may be helpful to spend some time thinking about technology and healthcare. Specifically, let’s focus on telemedicine – including telehealth (using electronic communication media to provide clinical services) and remote patient monitoring (using technology to monitor patients with certain chronic conditions). Telemedicine holds great […]

Paid Family Leave: Next Benefits Frontier or New Battleground?
Effective January 1, 2018 New York becomes the latest state to require that employers provide paid family leave, joining California, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Also, Washington State adopted a paid family leave act in 2007, that has not been implemented due to a lack of funding, and San Francisco has adopted its own ordinance. […]

Health Literacy: What Is It and Why It Matters
My recent post (“Your Money … and Your Life”) described some of the decisions facing individuals in making health insurance and health care purchasing decisions. The choices described in that blog post were, generally, decisions that individuals make once per year – such as what type of health insurance coverage to buy (e.g., HMO, PPO, […]

Multiple Personalities: The Administration’s Approach to the ACA
The Trump Administration and Republicans in Congress have been clear about their desire to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act. But, while that legislative battle plays out, the ACA is still on the books and defines the rules for the American health care system. This blog post will not look at the repeal and […]

Your Money…and Your Life
As the wrangling over the future of the Affordable Care Act continues, it is important for consumers to keep their eyes on a very important issue – an issue that remains important, regardless of the outcome of the political battles. The issue: the increasing burden on individuals in making health care purchasing and utilization decisions. […]

Tax Reform: More Challenges for Employee Benefit Plans
As the Administration and Congress move beyond replacing the Affordable Care Act (at least for now), the focus is turning to changes in the tax code. This does not mean that employee benefits are out of the crosshairs; rather, it may simply mean that the target might shift. Here’s why: First (and Second) Goal – […]

The Legacy of Obamacare
It is too soon to predict the fate of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), or, as we call it, TrumpRyanCare. But, the AHCA as currently proposed – and the debate among Republicans over its provisions – represents a significant statement. That statement: the core provisions of the ACA regarding insurance market reforms now appear […]

Medicare Eligibility: A Boon and a Trap
Let’s take a break from the ACA repeal-and-replace debate to look at an issue that frequently confuses (and trips up) unwary seniors entering Medicare: the impact of Medicare coverage on other insurance and how to approach enrollment in Medicare. Basic Rules Eligibility for Medicare is really eligibility for two different types of insurance coverage: Medicare […]